For When Things Get Gnarly in Eloquent

Jonathan Reinink has written some excellent content around Eloquent and this article is one that I reference frequently. Jonathan walks us through handling sticky situations when we need to get a single record back from a relationship without causing N+1 issues.

Dynamic Relationships in Laravel using Subqueries →

May 20, 2020

Sorting Parent Eloquent Models by a Child Relationship

Recently I had a situation in a Laravel app where I needed to sort a collection of parent models by a particular value in a BelongsTo() relationship field.

It’s fairly simple to sort the opposite direction, meaning, to sort all the related models that belong to a parent model.

Read the entire article on the Zaengle blog →

Oct 6, 2016

Simplifying Conditional Expressions

As I’ve been reading through Refactoring by Martin Fowler, I’ve found it helpful to rewrite some of the examples from the book in PHP in order to cement the concepts into my mind. While Martin’s examples are primarily in Java, I’ve found an overwhelming majority of the concepts apply to PHP, which is where I spend most of my programming time.

In today’s article, I will attempt to rework the Simplifying Conditional Expressions (pp. 237-270) section into a handful of PHP-based examples.

Read the entire article on the Zaengle blog →

Apr 16, 2016

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